The Busy World of Richard Scarry Wiki
A Big Operation
Season 1, Episode 11a
Air date May 15, 1994
Written by S.M. Molitor
Directed by Greg Bailey
Episode guide
Hilda's Romantic Tea Party
Cucumber, the African Photographer

"A Big Operation" is the first segment of the eleventh episode of The Busy World of Richard Scarry. It is the thirty-first overall episode.


When Huckle has to get his tonsils out after having four sore throats in the same week, Lowly stays with him in the hospital; however, Huckle is afraid, so he is encouraged to speak with his fellow patients.

Patients Other than Huckle, and Reasons for Their Stays[]

  • Sprout; he had to have his leg straightened out four times for some reason.
  • Mr. Frumble; he had been breaking his nose from chasing his hat; also, because of no hang of properly using a certain button, he ends up trapped in the mattress while it is folded.
  • Mrs. Stitches; she was about to have a baby.
  • Mr. Gronkle; like Sprout, he had apparently broken his leg.


Watch Episode[]
