The Busy World of Richard Scarry Wiki

Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever! is the first video from the Richard Scarry's Best Videos Ever series. It was released on March 15, 1989 on VHS and rereleased on October 16, 2001 on DVD.


Join Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm as they go to school to learn the alphabet with the children!


1989 VHS:[]

Join Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, and all their friends for Alphabet Day at the Busytown School! Huckle and his classmates present the alphabet in the context of 26 charming stories emphasizing familiar words beginning with each letter. Children will laugh at the antics of Bananas Gorilla, Sergeant Murphy, and the other beloved Richard Scarry characters as they learn their alphabet in the Best ABC Video Ever!

2001 DVD:[]

Join Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, and all their friends for Alphabet Day at the Busytown School! Huckle and his classmates present the alphabet in the context of 26 charming stories emphasizing familiar words beginning with each letter. Children will laugh at the antics of Bananas Gorilla, Sergeant Murphy, and the other beloved Richard Scarry characters as they learn their alphabet in the Best ABC DVD Ever!


The video begins with the busy people working in Busytown, and then it goes on to Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm and his friends riding the school bus to the Busytown Schoolhouse. They say good morning to their teacher Miss Honey after she says good morning to her students who declares that today in school is Alphabet Day. Her students, totaling 26, whose names begins with each letter of the alphabet, start by singing The Alphabet Song. The class goes through every letter of the alphabet and the word that start with that letter...

  • Arthur Pig has the letter A which starts in "airplane".
  • Betty Dog has the letter B which starts in "bread".
  • Christine Beaver has the letter C which starts in "crayon".
  • David Raccoon has the letter D which starts in "drum".
  • Edna Bunny has the letter E which starts in "egg".
  • Freddie Fox has the letter F which starts in "fire engine".
  • Glenda Goat has the letter G which starts in "guitar".
  • Huckle Cat has the letter H which starts in "house".
  • Iris Pig has the letter I which starts in "ice cream".
  • Jimmy Bunny has the letter J which starts in "jar".
  • Kathy Cat has the letter K which starts in "kite".
  • Libby Leopard has the letter L which starts in "ladder".
  • Mary Mouse has the letter M which starts in "motorcycle".
  • Ned Alligator has the letter N which starts in "nurse".
  • Ole Owl has the letter O which starts in "octopus".
  • Polly Pig has the letter P which starts in "pie".
  • Quincy Cat has the letter Q which starts in "quilt".
  • Ralphie Raccoon has the letter R which starts in "rabbit".
  • Susie Tiger has the letter S which starts in "soup".
  • Tom Wolf has the letter T which starts in "train".
  • Ursula Dog has the letter U which starts in "uniform".
  • Vincent Van Goat has the letter V which starts in "violin".
  • Wilma Walrus has the letter W which starts in "watermelon".
  • Xavier Mouse has the letter X which starts in "xylophone".
  • Yolanda Yak has the letter Y which starts in "yo-yo".
  • Zara Rabbit has the letter Z which starts in "zipper".

By the time they've finished "Z," the final bell rings, and Miss Honey tells the children that they finished learning the alphabet just in time and to be sure to practice the alphabet when they get home. Then, everyone says goodbye to Miss Honey and go home. When Huckle and Lowly came home, he told his parents that every letter of the alphabet simply Miss Honey taught, then Huckle sings the alphabet song again as Lowly shapes the letters. After that, Lowly goes to sleep as Huckle giggles in amusement. As the video ends, the entire Busytown is seen on birds-eye view and an airplane pulls the "The End" banner.

Characters Featured[]


  1. The Alphabet Song
  2. Gussy Goose's song
  3. The Alphabet Song (Huckle Cat's reprise)



  • This title of the video is based on and named after the book, Richard Scarry's ABC Word Book.
  • This is the first video of the Richard Scarry's Best Videos Ever series.
  • After Jimmy Bunny presents the letter J, Libby Leopard tries to skip Kathy's turn by calling "I'm next! I'm next! I've got the letter L!", but Miss Honey says, "I'm sorry, Libby, but L doesn't come after J." Miss Honey then asks the viewers if they know what letter comes after J and they say that K comes after J. After the K segment, it's Libby's turn now.
  • In the B segment, Bananas Gorilla comes to the bakery to meet Able Baker Charlie and wants to buy banana bread for his breakfast and Able Baker Charlie tells him that they're making blueberry bread today. But Bananas Gorilla doesn't eat blueberries, and he wants bananas today, so Able Baker Charlie tells him to come back to the bakery tomorrow.
  • In the I segment, Bananas Gorilla wants banana ice cream, which would mean he likes ice cream too. But when Bob Fox looks inside the ice cream cart, he says he's all out of banana ice cream. Bananas Gorilla says he can't find bananas anywhere today, so he drives off.
  • Right before the Q segment, Quincy Cat is sleeping in class and is forced by Miss Honey to wake up.
  • After the N segment and before the O segment, Janitor Joe floods the classroom, but he only speaks once in the video. Then, after Ole Owl presents the letter O, the water drains out for a second and Polly Pig shakes it off with her head.
  • Before the M segment when Mary Mouse says "M is the next letter," her mouth isn't moving, but her whiskers are moving up and down.
  • In the S segment, the Silly Soup tastes disgusting and contains the most of the same letter in the alphabet video.
    • Also in the S segment, Sarah Piggy stirs in some spinach, Samantha Piggy slices in some salami, Sylvia Piggy slides in sardines, Sonia Piggy slips in strawberries, Sally Piggy (not to be confused with Huckle's sister) shreds some sauerkraut and Sybil Piggy adds a spoonful of salt to the silly soup.
  • This is the first time Lowly Worm wears a party hat in the P segment from this video. The second time would later then be in the episode, "The Best Mistake Ever", from the 1990's TV show, The Busy World of Richard Scarry. But Lowly continues dressing his green Tyrolean hat.
  • In the M segment, Bananas Gorilla steals the whole banana bunch from the mail truck along with Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle, leading to a chase, making Sergeant Murphy jump on the tricycle and borrow it when a banana peel lands on his head.
  • In the Z segment, Sergeant Murphy is presumed to be the antagonist because he stole Bananas Gorilla's bananas because it was revealed by Huckle Cat that the bananas weren't stolen, because they belonged to and were his all along. However, Bananas Gorilla should’ve still been arrested anyways for stealing Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle (in the M segment), littering banana peels during the chase (in the M, R, T, W, and Z segments), stowaway on a rubber raft (in the R segment, and also throwing banana peels on Sergeant Murphy), a train (in the T segment), and a wheelbarrow (in the W segment), destroying crops (in the W segment), and nearly running over Willie Wolf (in the W segment).
  • Two frames of writing on the yellow paper.
  • The first frame is black after Sally Piggy shreds some sauerkraut and before Sybil Piggy adds a spoonful of salt to the silly soup.
  • The first frame after the U segment is black.
  • The first frame both during the R segment and after the X segment says "NG".
  • In the H segment when Hilda Hippo goes up on the swing from the helicopter, she has a crush on Lowly Worm who floats a parachute down. This is also the first video Hilda has a crush on Lowly.
  • In the O segment, the octopus is holding an orange, an oil can, an olive, an onion, an oyster, an orchid, an oar, and an oboe.
  • Before the T segment, Tom Wolf accidentally holds his T card upside down. So he turns the card right-side up.
  • Before the U segment, Ursula Dog can't find her U card but Miss Honey tells her that she's sitting on it.
  • This is the first time Huckle Cat says "Look, Lowly!". The next time Huckle will say that in Richard Scarry's Best Silly Stories and Songs Video Ever.
  • Mr. Frumble appears as a cameo in the introduction segment. He would later become a recurring character in the following video.
  • Nurse Nelly's voice is offscreen when she says to Nancy Rabbit, "Next time, Nancy, don't smell a flower with bee on it."
  • This video marks the first appearances for Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, Freddie Fox, Sergeant Murphy, Able Baker Charlie, Bananas Gorilla and other characters.
  • This is the first video the Narrator says, "There's Bananas Gorilla in his banana-mobile" in the introduction segment and "Here comes Sergeant Murphy". Next time, he would say those phrases again in Richard Scarry's Best Counting Video Ever.
  • Freddie Fox's shirt is light blue in this video, but in later videos, his shirt will be yellow.
  • This is the first video Huckle's voice is high when he says "Look, Lowly! The name tag says, 'Mr. Bananas Gorilla'. 'Busytown USA'. Those bananas belong to Bananas Gorilla all along. Wait, Sergeant Murphy!".
  • This is the first time there is a song in the ending of this video.
  • The "Yes, Miss Honey" phrase from the Roald Dahl book, Matilda, was said four times:
    • After Miss Honey asks, "Now, is everyone ready for alphabet day?", her 26 students answer the phrase.
    • After the I segment and Miss Honey says, "Very interesting, Iris! Now, Jimmy. I think you're next.", Jimmy Bunny says the same phrase before he says "My letter is J."
    • After the W segment and Miss Honey says, "Wonderful, Wilma! Xavier, are you ready?", Xavier Mouse pulls the X card off the desk, falls on the floor, gets up and says the same phrase before he says, "X starts the word xylophone!"
    • After the X segment and Miss Honey says, "Excellent, Xavier! Yolanda?", Yolanda Yak says the same phrase before she says, "The letter Y comes after X."
  • When the students says "Goodbye, Miss Honey" as they leave, their mouths aren't moving.
  • This is the first time the Narrator narrates the whole episode in this video.
  • This is the first episode that this video has been produced by Jerry Lieberman Productions; the animation is slower and choppy compared to much later titles.
  • In the D segment, when the drum breaks, the Narrator says "That drum is done for." He should have said, "damaged", since "damaged" also starts with D.
  • Stock footages of the beginning and the credits are reused from Richard Scarry's Best Counting Video Ever.
  • In the O segment, the oboe that Oliver Octopus is playing sounds just like a flute.
  • The names that were never mentioned are Sparky, Snozzle, Ralphie Raccoon, Zara Rabbit, Bob Fox, and Oliver Octopus.
  • The letter segments the narrator didn't narrate are G, I, and U.
  • When the class sings, "Now I've sung my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me?", Ned does not sing that part and David's mouth is never shown.
  • "Music Box Dancer" from The Wiggles: Racing to the Rainbow plays in the I segment.


(The video opens with a plane flying upside down. Wrong-Way Roger turns it right-side up, then Baron Von Crow flies in)

Narrator: (reading title) Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever.

(shows a birds-eye view of Busytown, then zooms into the town)

Narrator: Welcome to Busytown. (a siren sounds) It's early in the morning so everyone is just going to work.

(shows Bananas Gorilla) There's Bananas Gorilla in his bananamobile.

(shows Grocer Cat) Grocer Cat is cleaning the sidewalk in front of his grocery store. Watch out, Grocer Cat!

(shows Sergeant Murphy) Here comes Sergeant Murphy on his motorcycle.

(shows Smokey and the fire department) Smokey the fire chief is raising the flag at the Busytown fire house.

(shows the Busytown school bus) There's the Busytown school bus. Let's see where it's going.

(the bus stops at Huckle Cat's house) It's stopping at Huckle Cat's house. It's time for him to leave for school.

(Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm appear) There's Huckle and his friend, Lowly Worm. Hurry up, Huckle! Or you'll be late!

(Mother Cat appears with Huckle Cat's lunch)

Mother Cat: Don't forget your lunch, Huckle!

(Mother Cat gives Huckle his lunch) Huckle Cat: Thank you, Mother.

(Huckle and Lowly get on the bus)

Mr. Bus Driver: Good morning, Huckle! Good morning, Lowly!

Huckle Cat: Good morning, Mr. Bus Driver!

(the bus leaves and Mother Cat waves goodbye)

Arthur Pig: Hi, Huckle. You almost missed the bus.

Huckle Cat: I wouldn't miss today for anything. Today is Alphabet Day at school.

Susie Tiger: Miss Honey said she is going to teach us the whole alphabet.

Edna Bunny: I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun!

(the school bell rings, and the bus arrives at Busytown school)

Huckle Cat: (as everyone gets off the bus) Come on, everybody, we don't want to be late!

Miss Honey: Good morning, children.

26 students: (as they enter) Good morning, Miss Honey!

Miss Honey: Thank you for the lovely flower, Lowly. Now, is everyone ready for alphabet day?

26 students: Yes, Miss Honey!

Miss Honey: Today, we're going to learn the whole alphabet from A to Z. Huckle, will you give a letter card to each of the children?

(Huckle takes all the letter cards, then passes them to the other children)

Miss Honey: Thank you, Huckle. Now, is everyone ready? Let's start by singing the alphabet song. Why don't you sing along too?

26 students: ♪A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. Q, R, S, T, U, V. W, X, Y and Z. Now I've sung my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me?

Miss Honey: That was very good, class. You all sing beautifully! Now, let's think about the words that begin with those letters from "A" to "Z". You can help us, think of words too. Who knows the first letter of the alphabet?

Arthur Pig: I do, Miss Honey. It's the letter "A".

Miss Honey: That's right, Arthur. Now, can you think of any word that starts with the letter "A"?

Arthur Pig: "A" is the first letter in the word "airplane".

(scene changes to the airport)

Narrator: An airplane has just landed at the Busytown Airport. There are lots of airplanes arriving today. There's Huckle. He's waiting for his grandmother.

(a giant airplane appears)

Narrator: Look! That's her airplane coming in for landing. What is she bringing?

(the airplane opens revealing an apple truck)

Narrator: It looks like a whole truckload of apples. Lucky, Huckle! He's gonna have a lot of apple pie.

(the scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Betty, I think you have the letter "B".

Betty Dog: That's right, Miss Honey. "B" is the first letter in "bread".

(scene changes to the bakery)

Narrator: Able Baker Charlie is making blueberry bread for the customers.

Bananas Gorilla: (honks his horn outside the bakery, then Able Baker Charlie appears) Hello, Able Baker Charlie!

Able Baker Charlie: Good morning, Bananas!

Bananas Gorilla: I wanna buy some banana bread for my breakfast!

Able Baker Charlie: I'm sorry, Bananas. We're making blueberry bread today. Tomorrow is our day to make banana bread.

Bananas Gorilla: But I want bananas today!

Able Baker Charlie: I'm sorry, Bananas. Come back tomorrow!

(Bananas Gorilla drives away, then the scene changes back to the classroom)

Christine Beaver: "C" comes after "B", Miss Honey! And "C" is the first letter in the word "crayon"!

(scene changes to show Lowly Worm and a crayon)

Narrator: Lowly Worm is using a crayon to color a picture of a car, a camel, and a cake with candles on it.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Congratulations, Christine! Those were good "C" words! Now, what letter comes next?

David Raccoon: "D" is the first letter in "drum".

(scene changes to show a raccoon playing the drum)

Narrator: Listen to the player playing the drum.

(the drum player plays the drum, until a hole appears)

Narrator: Well, that drum is done for.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Well done, David! Edna, have you thought of a word that begins with "E"?

Edna Bunny: Yes. "E" is the first letter in "egg".

(scene changes to show an egg)

Narrator: Better be careful with that egg, Mrs. Elephant.

(the egg hatches, revealing a chick)

Little Chick: Hi, Mom!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: That was exciting, Edna. Freddie, you're next.

Freddie Fox: Hmm...

Miss Honey: (impatient) Freddie?

Freddie Fox: Umm...

Miss Honey: Freddie?

Freddie Fox: I'm thinking, Miss Honey. (a siren is heard in the background) Oh, yes! "F" is the first letter in "fire engine"!

(a fire engine is shown)

Narrator: Smokey, the Fire Chief is polishing his fire engine.

Smokey: Uh-oh! Look at that smoke! There must be a fire near by.

(bell clanging and fire truck siren wailing and the fire engine rushes to put out the fire at the grill)

Smokey: Thanks a lot.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Glenda Goat: Glenda Goat here, presenting the letter "G". "G" is the first letter in "guitar".

(scene changes to Gussy Goose and her guitar)

Gussy Goose: Hi there! I'm Gussy Goose! And I'm here to play my guitar with my great group, The Goofy Ganders! ♪ Gee, life is great for a goose like me! I'm so glad to be a goose that it's starts with "G"!

(Gussy Goose pokes her head through the curtain, then the scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Very good, Glenda.

Huckle Cat: Now, it's time for my favorite letter, the letter "H".

Miss Honey: Okay, Huckle. Go ahead.

Huckle Cat: "H" is the first letter in "house".

(scene changes to Hilda's house)

Narrator: Hilda Hippo's house is high on the hill. How do you think Hilda Hippo should get home?

Hilda Hippo: Call upon the helicopter!

(the helicopter sends Hilda Hippo to her house on the hill. Along the way, Lowly passes by on a parachute.)

Hilda Hippo: Home at last! Thank you!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Iris Pig: I'm Iris, and I have the "I". The first letter in "ice-cream".

(scene changes to show an ice-cream vendor)

Bob Fox: (gives the ice cream to one of four mice) Everybody likes ice cream. (then he sees Bananas Gorilla coming in his bananamobile) Here comes Bananas Gorilla! What flavor ice cream do you think he wants?

(Bananas Gorilla approaches at Bob Fox)

Bananas Gorilla: I want some banana ice cream! Please?

Bob Fox: (looks inside the ice cream cart) I'm sorry, Bananas. I'm all out of banana ice cream!

Bananas Gorilla: I can't find bananas anywhere today. (then Bananas zooms off)

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Very interesting, Iris. Now, Jimmy, I think you're next.

Jimmy Bunny: Yes, Miss Honey, my letter is "J". The first letter in "jar".

(scene changes to show Jason Pig)

Narrator: Jason loves to juggle jelly jars. Next time, Jason, make sure the jars are empty before you juggle.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Libby Leopard: I'm next! I'm next! I've got the letter "L"!

Miss Honey: I'm sorry, Libby. But "L" doesn't come after "J".

Miss Honey: (as the scene changes to Miss Honey teaching the class) Do you know what letter comes after "J"? That's right, it's the letter "K".

Kathy Cat: I have the letter "K", Miss Honey. And "K" is the first letter in the word "kite".

Narrator: The King is trying to fly his kite.

(suddenly the kite falls)

King: Uh-oh! I think this kite needs a tail. Maybe Lowly can help.

(Lowly gets on the kite and it flies again)

King: Hang on Lowly.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Very good, Kathy. Now, Libby. It's your turn.

Libby Leopard: Thank you, Miss Honey. L is the first letter in "ladder".

(scene shows a ladder that Lowly is climbing)

Narrator: Lowly is climbing the ladder. Can you guess why? He's climbing the ladder to get to the lemonade. Have a nice drink, Lowly.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: That was lovely, Libby. Who has the M?

Mary Mouse: Me! Mary Mouse. M is the next letter. And M starts the word "motorcycle".

(scene shows Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle)

Narrator: There's Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle. He's stopped to help Marvin the mailmouse deliver the mail.

(Bananas Gorilla comes by)

Miss Honey: Here comes Bananas Gorilla. Can you guess what he's looking for?

(Bananas Gorilla sees a bunch of bananas and takes them away)

Miss Honey: He's stealing the bananas from the mailtruck!

(Bananas Gorilla rides Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle while eating bananas.)

Miss Honey: He's escaping on Sergeant Murphy's motorcycle!

Sergeant Murphy: (when he sees that his motorcycle is stolen) My motorcycle! STOP, thief!

(Sergeant Murphy rides on Huckle's tricycle to chase Bananas Gorilla. Bananas Gorilla throws banana peels at him.)

Narrator: Go get him, Sergeant Murphy!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: That was marvelous, Mary. Now, who knows what letter comes next?

Ned Alligator: I do, Miss Honey. It's the letter "N". "N" is for "nurse".

(scene changes to a nurse's office)

Narrator: Nurse Nelly is putting a bandage on Nancy Rabbit's nose.

(The viewers see Nancy Rabbit with a now-swollen nose. And Nurse Nelly the cat is putting a band-aid on Nancy's nose. The narrator next says...!)

Narrator: Nancy got a sting on her nose. Now, Nancy can't smell her flower.

Nurse Nelly: Next time, don't smell a flower with a bee on it.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Very nice, Ned. Now why don't you open the window so we can use our noses to smell a little fresh air?

(Ned goes to open the window)

Miss Honey: By the way, did anyone see the beautiful flower that Lowly brought today? I think it could use a little water.

(a hose starts spraying water)

Miss Honey: Janitor Joe, stop it! You're flooding the classroom!

Janitor Joe: Sorry, Miss Honey, I was just watering the flowers.

Miss Honey: Well, now you're watering the flowers, the children, and everything else!

(the classroom is flooded)

Miss Honey: Oh my. Look at this mess. Well, I guess we'd better go on with the lesson. Does anyone remember what letter we're up to?

Ole Owl: I do.

Miss Honey: Okay. Go ahead, Ole.

Ole Owl: "O" is the first letter in "octopus".

(scene changes to show an octopus)

Narrator: The octopus is holding eight things that begin with "O". Can you name them? He's holding an orange, an oil can, an olive, an onion, an oyster, an orchid, an oar, and an oboe.

(the octopus plays the oboe, then the scene changes back to the classroom)

Polly Pig: (shakes water off her head) I have the next letter, Miss Honey! "P"! And "P" is the first letter in "pie"!

(scene changes to show Patty Elephant holding a peach pie)

Narrator: Patty Elephant baked a peach pie for her party.

(Huckle knocks on the door; Patty opens it)

Patty Elephant: Hello, everyone! Welcome to my party! Come in, Lowly! I'm pleased you could come!

Narrator: Lowly Worm has brought a present. What do you think it is?

Patty Elephant: A present for me? (puts a party hat on Lowly) How nice! Why, it's a peanut! Thank you, Lowly! A peanut is a perfect present!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: And those were perfect "P" words, Polly. I'm proud of you.

Miss Honey: Quincy, you're next. (Quincy is shown falling asleep) Quincy? Quincy! Wake up!

Quincy Cat: Oh, sorry. I guess it's my turn. I have the "Q". It's the first letter in "quilt".

(scene changes to Queen Bear and Lowly Worm)

Narrator: Who is under quilt? It's the queen. Quiet! The queen is trying to take a nap. Good night, queen.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

The next letter is R. The word "rabbit" starts with R.

(scene shows Rosie Rabbit on a rowboat)

Narrator: Rosie Rabbit is rowing a rowboat. What do you think she's pulling with her rope? (Bananas Gorilla is on a rubber raft, eating some bananas and throwing banana peels)

Narrator: It's Bananas Gorilla riding on a rubber raft.

(then shows Sergeant Murphy, Huckle and Lowly on a motorboat and Bananas Gorilla threw a banana peel on Sergeant Murphy's face)

Narrator: Look who's after him? Sergeant Murphy! Go get him!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Suzie, can you think of a word that starts with "S"?

Suzie Tiger: Sure, Miss Honey. "S" is the first letter in "Soup".

(scene changes to a soup pot)

Narrator: Six silly sisters are making silly soup. Sarah is stirring in some spinach. Samantha is slicing in salami. Sylvia is sliding in sardines. Sonia is slipping in strawberries. Sally is shredding in sauerkraut, and Sybil adds a spoonful of salt. Would you like to taste the silly soup?

Huckle, Lowly, and the Pig family: Yuck!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Suzie, that was sickening.

Tom Wolf: I have the letter "T". Does that come after "S"?

Miss Honey: Yes, it does, Tom. But I think your letter T is turned upside down.

Tom Wolf: (so he turns the "T" right side up) Oh. Sorry, Miss Honey. "T" is the first letter in the word "train".

(scene changes to show a train station)

Mr. Train Conductor: All Aboard! All Aboard! Tickets please!

The Pig Family: (as the train leaves the station) Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!

Narrator: Uh-oh. Someone else is on this train. Can you guess who it is? (Bananas Gorilla opens the window, throws some bananas, and waves, then shows Sergeant Murphy, Huckle and Lowly on a pump car) But look, here comes Sergeant Murphy. Good for you, Sergeant Murphy. You'll catch that thief yet!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Terrific, Tom. Ursula, I think you're next.

Ursula Dog: I had the "U", Miss Honey. But now I can't find it.

Miss Honey: Your "U" is under you. You're sitting on it, Ursula.

Ursula Dog: (reveals the "U" from under her bottom) Oh, thank you. "U" is the first letter in the word "uniform".

(scene changes to show Fireman Ralph in her firefighter uniform)

Fireman Ralph: How do you like my new uniform? Uh-oh, it's starting to rain! It's a good thing I brought my umbrella.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Who knows a good "V" word?

Vincent Van Goat: I, Vincent Van Goat, know a very good "V" word: "violin".

(scene changes to show a violin)

Narrator: Lowly Worm is serenading Violet Hippo on his violin.

Violet Hippo: (shows Lowly a valentine) Look, Lowly! I made a valentine for you!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Wilma Walrus: I have the letter "W", the first letter in "watermelon".

(scene changes to show Willie Wolf and a wheelbarrow of watermelons)

Narrator: Willie Wolf is pulling a wheelbarrow of watermelons up a hill.

(Bananas Gorilla comes by still with bananas then rides on a wheelbarrow, followed by Sergeant Murphy, Huckle and Lowly in a wagon)

Narrator: Watch out, Willie! Here comes, Bananas Gorilla! Luckily, Sergeant Murphy and Huckle found a wagon and are hot on his trail. Way to go, Sgt. Murphy!

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: Wonderful, Wilma! Xavier, are you ready?

(Xavier takes the heavy X card out and fall down on the floor)

Xavier Mouse: Yes, Miss Honey! "X" starts the word "xylophone"!

(scene changes to show an xylophone)

Narrator: Mr. and Mrs. Bug are playing a xylophone while dancing on their tune. What dance do you think they're doing? The jitterbug, of course.

(scene changes back to the classroom; Xavier Mouse puts down the heavy "X" card on the desk)

Miss Honey: Excellent, Xavier! Yolanda?

Yolanda Yak: Yes, Miss Honey. The letter "Y" comes after "X". And "Y" is the first letter in "yo-yo".

(scene changes to Mr. Yak with his yellow yo-yo)

Narrator: Lowly Worm is going for a ride on Mr. Yak's yellow yo-yo. Stop, Mr. Yak! Lowly is getting dizzy.

(scene changes back to the classroom)

Miss Honey: And now, who knows the last letter of the alphabet?

Zara Rabbit: I do! I do! It's "Z"! "Z" is the first letter in "zipper"!

(scene changes to show a tent)

Narrator: There is a big zipper in the door of this tent. Can you guess who is inside? Here comes Sergeant Murphy!

Sergeant Murphy: I think I'll just unzip this zipper.

Bananas Gorilla: Uh, hi. Heh-heh.

Sergeant Murphy: I told you I'd catch you, you rascal! Now give me the rest of those bananas!

(Sergeant Murphy arrests Bananas Gorilla, and drops a name tag after Bananas Gorilla gives the last banana to Sergeant Murphy)

Sergeant Murphy: Bananas Gorilla, I'm taking you back to town! You won't be stealing any more bananas for quite awhile!

(Huckle Cat picks up the name tag that Bananas Gorilla dropped, reads it, then shows it to Lowly Worm)

Huckle Cat: Look, Lowly! The name tag says "Mr. Bananas Gorilla". "Busytown, U.S.A." Those bananas belong to Bananas Gorilla all along. (then he waves his arms) Wait, Sergeant Murphy!

(then Huckle and Lowly chase after Sergeant Murphy and Bananas Gorilla)

(scene changes to show the classroom clock, and the bell rings, then shows Miss Honey)

Miss Honey: Well, children, there's the bell. We finished just in time. Be sure to practice the alphabet when you get home. Goodbye, everyone. I'll see you tomorrow.

26 students: (as they exit) Goodbye, Miss Honey!

(All the students take the school bus to their homes. When the bus stops at Huckle Cat's house, Huckle Cat and Lowly Worm get off the bus, then Mother Cat hugs Huckle and Lowly)

Mother Cat: Hello, Huckle. Hello, Lowly. How was school today?

(fades to the inside of Huckle Cat's house)

Huckle Cat: It was wonderful. Lowly and I learned the whole alphabet and a song too. We'll show you. Ready, Lowly?

(Lowly Worm nods his head)

Huckle Cat: Why don't you sing along too?

(Lowly Worm forms 26 letters as Huckle Cat sings)

Huckle Cat: ♪ A, B, C, D, E, F, G. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P. Q, R, S, T, U, V. W, X, Y and Z. Now I've sung my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me?

(Lowly Worm is getting tired as Huckle Cat finishes the song)

Huckle Cat: ♪ Now I've sung my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me?

(Huckle Cat looks at Lowly Worm, then he laughs. Then we show Lowly Worm is sleeping in his bed as the. Then, we fade and pan the birds-eye view of Busytown. And then, we see a plane flying upside down, then Wrong-Way Roger turns it right-side up.)

Narrator: The End.

(The screen fades to black, ending the video with the credits and then the copyright.)



External Links[]

Main article: Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever! on
