Richard Scarry's Best Busy People Video Ever! is the third video of the Richard Scarry's Best Videos Ever series. It was released on August 17, 1993 on VHS and rereleased on August 13, 2002 on DVD.
Join Huckle, Lowly and the kids as they learn about what they want to be when they grow up!
Join Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm, and all the other delighted Richard Scarry characters in the Busytown playground as they take turns answering every child's favorite question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Children will love learning all about the exciting jobs―from farmers and firefighters to teachers and truck drivers―that keep Busytown bustling every day. Charming animation and original music, including a "Busy People" theme song, will have children laughing and singing along with the Best Busy People Video Ever!
At the Busytown Schoolhouse, Huckle Cat and his friends imagine their occupations to know what they want to be when they grow up. Freddie Fox wants to be a baker, Rhonda Raccoon wants to be a truck driver, Ralph Pig wants to be a firefighter, Gary Goat wants to be a farmer, Huckle Cat wants to be a grocer just like his dad, Lily Bunny wants to be a builder (though in her fantasy, she is shown to be an architect, as she was the one who drew how the house was supposed to look), Larry Lion wants to be a doctor, Olive Owl wants to a mail carrier just like her uncle Ollie Owl, Sally Cat wants to be a travel agent just like her mom, Hilda Hippo wants to be a pilot and Bruno Bear wants to be a captain. At the end of the video, Henry Dog wants to be a teacher just like Miss Honey. Then, the entire Busytown is seen on birds-eye view and an airplane pulls the "The End" banner.
Characters Featured[]
- Miss Honey
- Freddie Fox
- Baker Freddie (debut)
- Rhonda Raccoon (debut)
- Truck Driver Rhonda (debut)
- Ralph Pig (debut)
- Fireman Ralph (debut)
- Gary Goat (debut)
- Farmer Gary (debut)
- Huckle Cat
- Grocer Huckle (debut)
- Lily Bunny
- Builder Lily (debut)
- Larry Lion (debut)
- Doctor Larry Lion (debut)
- Doctor Lion (debut)
- Doctor Larry Lion (debut)
- Olive Owl (debut)
- Mail Carrier Olive (debut)
- Sally Cat
- Travel Agent Sally (debut)
- Hilda Hippo
- Pilot Hilda (debut)
- Bruno Bear
- Captain Bruno (debut)
- Henry Dog (debut)
- Ma Pig (cameo)
- Harry Pig (cameo)
- Sally Pig (cameo)
- Sergeant Murphy (cameo)
- Able Baker Charlie
- Mr. Humperdink (debut)
- Unnamed baker pigs
- Unnamed baker dog
- Bananas Gorilla (cameo)
- The pig firefighters
- Lowly Worm (cameo)
- The mouse firefighter
- Mr. Mouse (debut)
- Adam Mouse
- Mortimer (debut)
- Marvin Mouse
- Mrs. Bunny
- Edna Bunny (final appearance)
- Molly Bunny (debut)
- Sally Bunny (debut)
- Baby Bunny (debut)
- Unnamed animal builders
- Sawdust the Carpenter (debut)
- Jason the Mason (debut)
- Jake the Plumber and his helpers (debut)
- John Bunny (debut)
- Angela the Electrician (debut)
- Drew the Dry Waller (debut)
- Peter Painter (Daddy Pig) (debut)
- Larry Cat (debut)
- Mother Pig (debut)
- Henry Pig (debut)
- Alex Raccoon (debut)
- Nurse Nelly (final appearance)
- Mrs. Mouse (debut)
- Mary Mouse
- Ollie Owl (debut)
- Adam Fox (debut)
- Mr. Tiger (debut)
- Benny Bear (debut)
- Mr. Raccoon (debut)
- Mrs. Raccoon (debut)
- Amanda Raccoon (debut)
- Rocky Raccoon (debut)
- Grandma Bear
- Amanda Cat (debut)
- Bugs
- Harry Mouse (debut)
- Simon Mouse (debut)
- Sporky Pig (debut)
- Peter Rabbit (debut)
- Mr. Bunny
- Father Pig (debut)
- Caroline Pig (debut)
- Mr. Elephant (debut)
- Jack Bunny (debut)
- Unnamed animal boat workers
- Mr. Fox (Cyril) (debut)
- Mrs. Fox (debut)
- Mrs. Elephant
- Unnamed lion orchestra conductor (debut)
- Deputy Flo (debut)
- Other Busytown people
- The Narrator
- Wrong Way Roger
- Baron Von Crow
- Richard Scarry (mentioned)
- Busy People
- Truck Driver Rhonda's song
- Fireman Ralph's song
- Mail Carrier Olive's song
- Travel Agent Sally's song
- You Can Be Anything You Want To Be
- Lacey Chabert
- Eliza Harris
- Alison Hashmall
- Agnes Herrmann
- Alexander C. Iwachiw
- Bruce Bayley Johnson
- Randall Kaplan
- Joanna Leeds
- Ron Marshall
- Tommy J. Michaels
- Corinne Orr
- Eden Riegel
- Larry Robinson
- Palmer Swansborough
- Tara Brook Tyburczy
- Tricia Tyburczy
- Lateaka Vinson
- Candace Walters
- This video of the title is named after the book, Richard Scarry's Busiest People Ever.
- This video is based on the book, Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day.
- The child version of the characters had a number of lines:
- Freddie Fox only had two lines in this video.
- Rhonda Raccoon only had four lines in this video.
- Ralph Pig only had one line in this video.
- Gary Goat only had four lines in this video.
- Huckle Cat only had four lines in this video.
- Lily Bunny only had three lines in this video.
- Sally Cat only had four lines in this video.
- Larry Lion only had two lines in this video.
- Olive Owl only had four lines in this video.
- Hilda Hippo only had two lines in this video.
- Bruno Bear only had one line in this video.
- This is the second time the narrator narrates the whole episode in this video. The first time was in Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever.
- Also, like the ending animation in Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever, the video ends with the entire Busytown seen on birds-eye view and an airplane pulling the "The End" banner. However, the close up of the airplane and banner flying upside down and the airplane flip animations are cut and the airplane and the text are vermilion.
- The narrator narrates the introduction, the schoolhouse and Miss Honey, and all segments except for the Travel Agent Sally segment.
- This is the first video to not have a running gag. Silly Stories and Songs is the second.
- This is the only time Lowly Worm dresses up as a firefighter in the firefighter segment. It's the same as the episode, "The Busiest Firefighters Ever", from the TV show, The Busy World of Richard Scarry. But he continues dressing up in his normal clothes.
- The characters from Richard Scarry's Busiest People Ever appears on the front cover of the video.
- This is the third and last video Hilda Hippo as a pilot has a crush on Lowly Worm when she greets him to aboard an airplane in the pilot segment.
- This is the first time there is a song in the beginning of this video.
- This is the third time there is a song in the ending of this video.
- In the Builder Lily segment, the narrator says the Richard Scarry version of Peter Piper when Peter Painter paints the parlor with five pails of purple paint.
- Bob Fox, Janitor Joe, Ole Owl, Patty Elephant, Lucy Fox, Farmer Fox, Nancy Rabbit, Polly Pig, Libby Leopard, Iris Pig, Edna Bunny and other characters from the first two videos are absent.
- On the phone, Travel Agent Sally says "Have a nice trip to Switzerland, Richard." The name Richard is possibly derived from the series' creator, Richard Scarry.
- Marvin Mouse's voice is high in the grocer and builder segments.
- Mrs. Bunny's voice sounds beautiful in the grocer segment, but her voice sounds like a woman in the pilot segment and a grandmother in the captain segment. Her voice would be beautiful again in the Learning Songs and Silly Stories and Songs videos.
- Mr. Bunny's voice sounds funny in the captain segment.
- When Bananas eats a whole banana cream pie, he also eats the tin.
- This is the first and/or second episode that this video has been produced by Jumbo Pictures.
- Narrator: Welcome to Busytown, where everyone is very busy.
- Narrator: This is the Busytown Schoolhouse. Miss Honey and her class have been busy all morning talking about what people do all day.
- Miss Honey: As you can see, there are a lot of different jobs that people do. (school bell rings) Oh! It's time to go to the playground. While we're there, why don't you think about what you want to be when you grow up?
- Rhonda Raccoon: What do you want to be when you grow up, Freddie?
- Freddie Fox: I love making mud pies. So when I grow up, I want to be a baker and make real pies. Want a piece?
- Rhonda Raccoon: (disgusts) Ooh!
- Freddie Fox: (chuckles)
- Baker Freddie: Be careful not to add too much yeast, Able Baker Charlie!
- Able Baker Charlie: Don't worry Freddie, it's an old family recipe!
- Baker Freddie: Able Baker Charlie, I think you put too much yeast in your bread dough again!
- Rhonda Raccoon: Vroom, vroom! If you'll be a baker, I could be a truck driver. I could pick up your pies at the bakery and take them to the store in my truck. Beep, beep!
- Truck Driver Rhonda: Another satisfied customer.
- Ralph Pig: Wow! That's what I want to be when I grow up... a firefighter.
- Fireman Ralph: Yes? What's that? A fire at Freddie's bakery? We'll be there on the double!
- Baker Freddie: HEELP! HEEEELLP!
- Fireman Ralph: Don't worry, Freddie! Here I come!
- Baker Freddie: Thank you. You saved my bakery.
- Able Baker Charlie: I think my cookie... is ruined.
- Narrator: Grocer Huckle just got a delivery for his grocery store.
- Grocer Huckle: Bye, Rhonda!
- Truck Driver Rhonda: See you tomorrow, Huckle!
- Builder Lily: Ouch! My knee! Watch where you put your paint please, Peter!
- Peter Painter: Sorry, Lily.
- Miss Honey: What's the matter, Sally?
- Sally Cat: My teddy fell down and hurt her leg.
- Larry Lion: Maybe I can help. When I grow up, I'm going to be a real doctor. So I can make people feel better.
- Sally Cat: Thank you, Doctor Lion.
- Alex Raccoon: (laughs) It looks like you fell in a pail of purple paint! (laughs)
- Builder Lily: (sighs)
- Nurse Nelly: Mary, Mrs. Mouse, the doctor will see you now.
- Mary and Mrs. Mouse: Thank you.
- Doctor Larry Lion: Uh, what's the matter, Mrs. Mouse?
- (Mrs. Mouse --who has taken her kids Mary and Marvin to the doctor-- hugs Mary on her lap.)
- Mrs. Mouse: Little Mary isn't feeling well.
- Doctor Larry Lion: Well, let's see if we can find out what's wrong.
- Narrator: First, Doctor Lion has Mary stand on the scale to see how much she weighs.
- Doctor Larry Lion: Hmm... okay. Now let's see how tall you are.
- Narrator: Doctor Lion measures Mary against a chart on the wall.
- Doctor Larry Lion: Okay. Now I'll use my stethoscope to listen to your heart. Hmm... everything seems okay. Tell me, Mary. What did you eat for lunch today?
- (Before explaining her answer about her sickness --her symptom-- she --wordlessly-- counts the foods --regarding to cheese-- on her fingers and --silently-- supplements them in her mind. After she has it figured out, she --out loud-- tells Doctor Larry Lion what she had for lunch.)
- Mary Mouse: (tells Doctor Larry Lion what she had for lunch) I had a cheese sandwich, two cheese pizzas, and some cheesecake for dessert.
- (So it is revealed that Mary Mouse is getting out of control with the cheese and has --lately-- not been taking it easy with it. For lunch it is now known it --on main courses-- was a cheese sandwich and cheese pizza and --for dessert-- a chocolate cheesecake.)
- Doctor Larry Lion: Hmm. I think I know what's wrong. Here's some medicine to make you feel better. And take it easy on the cheese, please.
- (Marvin Mouse is revealed to be okay. Doctor Lion says that Marvin is fine. Marvin, he takes it easy with the cheese --including the cheese sandwiches, cheese pizza, and cheesecake-- but Mary Mouse --his older sister-- is greedily out of control with it. So, Mary Mouse is given medicine to help her feel better. And she is forced to slow down with the cheese.)
- Olive Owl: Hi, Uncle Ollie!
- Uncle Ollie: Good morning, Olive!
- Olive Owl: That's what I want to be when I grow up... a mail carrier! Just like my Uncle Ollie.
- Grandma Bear: Do you have a letter for me, Olive?
- Mail Carrier Olive: I don't think so, Grandma Bear. Let me look again.
- Grandma Bear: Today is my birthday. And I'm expecting a birthday card from my granddaughter.
- Mail Carrier Olive: Sorry, Grandma Bear. No letter today. Goodbye.
- Grandma Bear: (gasps) My birthday card! Now that's what I call... special delivery!
- Olive Owl: Do you know if you want to be when you grow up, Sally?
- Sally Cat: I'm going to be a travel agent like my mommy.
- Olive Owl: What does a travel agent do?
- Sally Cat: A travel agent helps people decide where they want to go on vacation.
- Travel Agent Sally: Have a nice trip to Switzerland, Richard. Goodbye. Now, where would you like to go on your vacation?
- Mr. Raccoon: Swimming! At the seashore!
- Rocky Raccoon: Camping in the woods!
- Mrs. Raccoon: Hiking in the mountains!
- Amanda Raccoon: Shopping in the city!
- Travel Agent Sally: Hmm... swimming and camping... hiking and shopping... wait! How about... Raccoon World Play Park!
- Mr. Raccoon: Perfect!
- Rocky Raccoon: Perfect!
- Mrs. Raccoon: Perfect!
- Amanda Raccoon: Perfect!
- Travel Agent Sally: Now, how would you like to get there?
- Mr. Raccoon: By car!
- Amanda Raccoon: By boat!
- Mrs. Raccoon: By train!
- Rocky Raccoon: By skateboard!
- Travel Agent Sally: How about... by plane!
- Mr. Raccoon: Perfect!
- Rocky Raccoon: Perfect!
- Mrs. Raccoon: Perfect!
- Amanda Raccoon: Perfect!
- Travel Agent Sally: Here are your tickets. I'll send you a bill. Have a wonderful time.
- Mr. Raccoon: Goodbye!
- Amanda Raccoon: Goodbye!
- Rocky Raccoon: Goodbye!
- Mrs. Raccoon: Goodbye!
- Hilda Hippo: I love to swing way up high. So I want to be a pilot, and fly a plane when I grow up.
- Pilot Hilda: (to Lowly) Good morning, I'm Hilda your pilot! (to the Raccoon family) Welcome to Busy World Airlines!
- Mr. Raccoon: Hello!
- Amanda Raccoon: Hello!
- Mrs. Raccoon: Hello!
- Rocky Raccoon: Where's the bathroom?
- Pilot Hilda: Fuel?
- Jack Bunny: Check.
- Pilot Hilda: Oil?
- Jack Bunny: Check.
- Pilot Hilda: Engine number one?
- Jack Bunny: Check.
- Pilot Hilda: Engine number two?
- Jack Bunny: Check.
- Gary Goat: That's a nice toy boat, Bruno.
- Bruno Bear: When I grow up, I want to work on a real boat.
- Captain Bruno: Nice to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Fox!
- Mrs. Fox: Oh yes, thanks awfully! This way, Cyril!
- Mr. (Cyril) Fox: I say, thank you.
- Captain Bruno: Welcome aboard, Mr. and Mrs. Bunny!
- Mr. and Mrs. Bunny: Oh, thank you, this is so exciting!
- Captain Bruno: I hope you enjoy your trip with us, Mr. and Mrs. Elephant.
- Mrs. Elephant: Thank you, Captain! Isn't it a lovely day?
(thunder is heard)
- Mr. Elephant: (gasps)
- Mr. Elephant: Gee, it looks like rain to me.
- Miss Honey: Time to go in, children! It's starting to rain!
- Miss Honey: Well, children, we've had an exciting day. It's fun to think about what you want to be when you grow up, because there are so many different things you can do. And if you try hard enough, you can be anything you want to be.
- Henry Dog: (raises his hand) Miss Honey! Miss Honey!
- Miss Honey: Yes, Henry?
- Henry Dog: I know just what I want to be when I grow up.
- Miss Honey: Tell us.
- Henry Dog: I want to be a teacher, just like you.
- Miss Honey: (blushes) Ohhh...
- Richard Scarry's Best Videos Ever promo
External Link[]
Main article: Richard Scarry's Best Busy People Video Ever! on imdb.com