The Busy World of Richard Scarry Wiki
The Busy World of Richard Scarry Wiki

The Silly Soup is a soup which appears in the S segment in Richard Scarry's Best ABC Video Ever. The Six Sister Pigs - Sarah, Samantha, Sylvia, Sonia, Sally, and Sybil - put in the ingredients. When the soup was done and the narrator asks "Would you like to taste this silly soup?", Huckle and The Pig Family (Ma Pig, Pa Pig, Larry Pig and Max Pig) shout "YUCK!" (except for Lowly Worm who doesn't talk in the Best Videos Ever series) in the doorway, when they discover that the soup tastes sickening, and Miss Honey says it was sickening too, after listening to Susie Tiger's S story.

Ingredients in the Soup[]

  • Spinach
  • Salami
  • Sardines
  • Strawberries
  • Sauerkraut
  • Salt

