The Busy World of Richard Scarry Wiki

"Singing, Dancing, Laughing and Growing" is the closing song and the learning songs show's encore from Richard Scarry's Best Learning Songs Video Ever!. It's in D major.

This song is sung by Ole Owl, Huckle Cat, Sally Cat, Rhonda Raccoon, Ursula Pig, Hilda Hippo, Lily Bunny, Freddie Fox, and Mice Marvin and Mary, including Lowly who does not sing it but only dances with them, even though he's silent. After the song, the audience gives a huge applause as the cast takes a bow and Lowly Worm pulls down a sign that says "THE END" on it, said by the narrator.


Huckle: Today, we sang some songs for you.
About things we know how to do.
But now it's time to end our show.
Here's one more song before we go.

Everyone: Singing and dancing and laughing and growing
As every day we've learned something new.
Helping and working and playing and knowing,
We're proud of ourselves and proud of you, too.

Singing and dancing and laughing and growing
We put on a show and had lots of fun!
But now is the time that we must be going.
Thank you for coming,
Goodbye, everyone!

Narrator: The End.


  • Alex and Anne Bear are absent.
  • Ursula Pig isn't wearing a bow.
  • Ursula Pig's left cuff briefly turns the same color as her fur.

